This summer, Black Creek Community Farm proudly welcomed 19 youth interns through partnerships with the Toronto District School Board (TDSB), the Centre of Excellence for Black Student Achievement, Canada Summer Jobs, and Focus on Youth Toronto. These passionate young individuals gained invaluable hands-on experience in urban agriculture, community engagement, and environmental justice, all while making a significant impact on the farm and within the community.
Throughout their internship, the youth interns immersed themselves in every aspect of farm life. They were involved in planting, harvesting, and processing vegetables and fruits from the greenhouse and fields. They also took the lead in operating our on-site farm stands and markets, engaging directly with the community, and ensuring that fresh, local produce was accessible to everyone. Their contributions didn’t stop there—they played a crucial role in building learning gardens, incubating mushrooms, and protecting native plant species. They also led field trips, honed their cooking skills, and supported food preservation activities, learning to create delicious meals from the farm’s fresh produce. These experiences equipped them with practical skills that will serve them well in their future endeavors.
In addition to the summer interns, Black Creek Community Farm proudly engages a total of 62 youth through placements, learning and training opportunities, full-time and part-time positions, leadership opportunities, and youth programs supported by the Rideau Hall Foundation and the City of Toronto. These young people are receiving diverse and impactful experiences that contribute to their personal and professional growth while supporting the community.
At Black Creek Community Farm, we recognize the importance of providing experiential learning opportunities that immerse young people in food justice and urban agriculture work. These experiences not only empower our interns with practical knowledge but also inspire them to become advocates for sustainable food systems and environmental stewardship. By participating in our programs, the youth have gained a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness between food, community, and the environment. They’ve also developed leadership skills, a strong work ethic, and a commitment to social and environmental justice that will guide them in their future pursuits.
As the summer comes to a close, we want to take a moment to celebrate the dedication and hard work of our youth interns. Their passion and commitment have been vital to the success of our community programs, and we are incredibly proud of everything they’ve accomplished. As they head back to school, we wish them all the best in their studies and future endeavors. We have no doubt that they will continue to be leaders in their communities, advocating for a more sustainable world.
A Heartfelt Thank You
We extend our deepest gratitude to our partners—TDSB, the Centre of Excellence for Black Student Achievement, Canada Summer Jobs, Focus on Youth Toronto and Toronto Public Library—for their support in making this program possible. Together, we are nurturing the next generation of leaders in food justice and urban agriculture.
All the best to the youth going back to school today. We look forward to seeing these young leaders continue to grow and make a positive impact in their communities, both within and beyond the farm.