Black Creek Community Farm is situated on a truly unique eight-acre property that includes pristine farmland, a heritage farmhouse and barn, and a surrounding forest that extends down into the Black Creek ravine.

All of this is located within easy walking distance of eight schools and thousands of local residents in one of the most densely populated neighbourhoods in Canada’s largest city.

The site houses certified organic vegetable fields, a forest trail and food forest, 4-season greenhouses, an outdoor classroom, pavilion, and a bake oven, as well as a mushroom garden, chickens, and beehives. Restoration and conservation activities are in progress to enhance the roughly 15,000 square meter u-shaped woodland which surrounds the farm fields on the west side along a busy Toronto artery (Jane St), along the south end bordering a vibrant community housing development, and up the east side at the top of a ravine descending to the Black Creek and separating BCCF from the Black Creek Pioneer Village and York University.


An urban agricultural centre that engages, educates, and empowers diverse communities, through sustainable food.


To serve and enrich our community through a thriving farm, healthy food, hands-on training and learning experiences.

To inspire the next generation by providing leadership in food justice, and supporting diverse natural and social ecosystems.

We work with schools, organizations and agencies to deliver mentoring and employment opportunities for Black youth and other equity-deserving groups in the community.


  1. We believe everyone has the right to food.
  2. We’re equity-oriented and believe in directing adequate resources to people who are experiencing systemic oppression and social inequity as it relates to food security
  3. We believe the Black community, low-income communities, and other equity-deserving groups must play a central role in defining food justice and its priorities.
  4. We believe in prioritizing lived experiences in addressing food insecurity

What We Offer

Black Creek Community Farm increases access to healthy food in our community through our programming and food distribution projects.

Our fresh, local, and organic produce is available from June to November at accessible rates. We are proud to offer sliding scale pricing for our membership-based Harvest Share (vegetable subscription) program. During the warmer months, we host community baking days at our wood-fired outdoor oven.

All our programs have food security as a central element, with food literacy and food skills as key components. Our unique site welcomes thousands of children, youth, adults, and seniors annually for experiential outdoor education Farm Education, and Farm Park programming. Our youth internship program now has dozens of high school students, postsecondary and graduates who have gone on to successfully pursue employment and higher education. Senior programming addresses social isolation through intergenerational sessions that bring participants together to grow in our accessible raised beds and share a collaboratively prepared meal

Thousands of visitors attend workshops and public events at the farm each year, including our annual Farm Festival, Maple Syrup and Honeybee Days, and our Dinner at the Farm fundraiser. Volunteers are involved in all aspects of the project, from assisting our farmers in the fields and planting trees in the food forest to helping run our public events and programs.

We are pleased to provide employee engagement and group volunteer opportunities. Our unique pavilion and farmhouse facilities are available for rent.


Key Partnerships

BCCF has operated as a start-up focused on improving food security, reducing social isolation, and improving employment and education outcomes since its inception in 2012.

Key stakeholders and partnerships are Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, the current landholder for the site and partner in land stewardship and educational programming; FoodShare, a core project partner supporting educational initiatives, programming, and promotions; the Jane-Finch Community and Family Centre supporting outreach and program offering; and Toronto Beekeepers Cooperative, a supporter of beekeeping on site and education around pollinator habitat.

In 2018 we joined FoodShare’s Supportive Partnership Platform. FoodShare has a long history of partnering with communities in Toronto to catalyze social change through food. We are thrilled to be taking this important step towards greater community ownership of Black Creek Community Farm with FoodShare’s support.

BCCF uses a community development model and encourages community leadership in all its programs through the farm’s Steering Committee.

We welcome your support and involvement.